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FAN Jingjing


Department of South Asian Studies,
School of Foreign Languages, Peking University,
Beijing, 100871, P. R. China.



Academic position

Assistant professor

2015-  Department of South Asian Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing, China.


Education and training

2013-2015, Postdoctoral fellow, Research center of eastern literature, Peking University, Beijing, China

2009-2013, Ph.D., Comparative literature, Peking University, Beijing, China

  *2011-2012, Visiting scholar, Dept.of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.

2006-2009, M. A., Peking University, Beijing, China

2002-2006, B. A., Peking University, Beijing, China



缘起:佛教譬喻文学的流变[Yuanqi: The Transformation of Buddhist Avadāna Literature], Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company 中西书局, 2020.



“人民大学博物馆馆藏一件于阗语文书释读”[A Khotanese Document Kept in the Museum of Renmin University of China],《语言学研究》(Linguistic Research)第28辑, 2020, 15-20.

“Four New Kharoṣṭhī Documents Kept in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum.” Non-Han Literature Along the Silk Road. ed. Xiao Li. SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2020, 81-90.

“何为源文本?谁是译者?如何界定译作?——从译场制度管窥佛经汉译的过程”[How should we define a source text, a target text and identify a translator? A glimpse into the Buddhist translation process of working studios in ancient China],《国学学刊》2020年第2期, 97-103.

FAN Jingjing and LI Chao,“西安博物院藏不动明王咒石释读”[An Acalanātha Mantra Stone Kept in the Xi’an Museum],《丝绸之路新探索:考古、文献与学术史》, 荣新江、朱玉麒主编, 凤凰出版社, 2019, 278-286.

FAN Jingjing, PENG Jinzang, and WANG Haiyun, “Three More Leaves of the Sanskrit-Uigur Bilingual Dharmaśarīrasūtra in Brāhmī Script.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 71 (3), 2018, 285-301.

“Newly Identified Khotanese Fragments in the ‘Bodhisattva Compendium’ and Their Chinese, Pāli and Sanskrit Parallels”, in ARIRIAB, vol. XXI (2018), 323-334. “梵语、于阗语及汉译贤劫千佛名研究——兼与敦煌写本做比较”[A study on the one thousand Buddha names of the bhadrakalpa in Sanskrit, Khotanese and Chinese translations],《敦煌吐鲁番研究》第十八卷, 2018, 483-581.

“双声叠韵对与‘梵语诗’关系刍议”[A preliminary survey of the shuangsheng, dieyun couplets and their relationship with the so called “Sanskrit Poetry”],《文学遗产》, 2018年第2期, 11-20.

“‘缘’:从印度到中国——一类文体的变迁”[Avadāna from India to China: the transformation of a literary genre],《中国比较文学》, 2017年第2期, 26-40.

· “Kumārajīva’s translation of Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and its contribution to Chinese literature”, Kumārajīva: Philosopher and Seer, New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2015, 309-316.

· “佛教官方译场与中古的外交事业”[A study on the relationship between official Buddhist translation workshops and the diplomatic career in medieval China],《世界宗教研究》(Studies in World Religions),2015年第3期,74-82.

· “早期佛教译经与经典的书面化确立”[Buddhist translations from the 3rd century BCE to the 5th century AD and the Documentation of Buddhist Canons],《比较文学与世界文学》(Comparative Literature and World Literature),第8辑,226-236.

·“再论从‘胡’到‘梵’”[A resurvey of “Hu” and “Fan” ],《宗教研究》(Religious Studies),2015年春,46-55.

· “论唐代经史编撰与佛经翻译的互动”[A study on the interaction between sutra translations and canonical book compilations in the Tang dynasty],《湖北大学学报》(Journal of Hubei University),2014年第5期,143-147.

· “佛教术语的世俗化:从‘爱河’说起”[Secularization of Buddhist terms: a case study of “aihe”],《文史知识》(Chinese Literature and History),2014年第3期,50-53.

·“唐代宦胡的文化政治生活——主要以《太平广记》为参考文本”[The cultural life and political career of barbarians in the court of the Tang dynasty according to Taipingguangji],《西南大学学报》(Journal of Southwest University),2014年第3期,162-168.

·“对《隋书·经籍志》经部后序一段评论的解读”[Comments on a passage of Suishu Jingjizhi],《中国典籍与文化》(Chinese Classics and Culture),2014年第2期,55-59.

· “中国学院与泰戈尔中印友好的理想”[Cheena bhavana and Tagore’s ideal of the friendship between China and India],《文史知识》(Chinese Literature and History),2013年第11期,34-37.

·“试析《维摩诘所说经》与《说无垢称经》不同的翻译风格”[A comparative study of Kumārajīva’s and Xuanzang’s translations of Vimalakīrtinirdeśa],《世界宗教文化》(The Religious Cultures in the World),2013年第2期,108-111.

·“中国人看印度:镜中的自我”[Self in the mirror: India in a Chinese student’s eyes],《跨文化对话》(Dialogue transcultural),第30辑

·“鸳鸯意象的内涵在六朝时的变迁”[Transformation of the image of the yuanyang in the Six dynasties],《文史知识》(Chinese Literature and History),2011年第11期,94-99.

·“唐代的释奠礼”[The shidian rites in the Tang dynasty],《光明日报》(Guangming Daily),2010年12月6日

·“文化多元只是一场视觉盛宴?”[Is multiculture just a spectacle?],《中华读书报》(China Reading Weekly),2007年4月4日



2016: Eckard Schleberger. 《印度诸神的世界:印度教图像学手册》[Die indische Götterwelt: Gestalt, Ausdruck und Sinnbild. Ein Handbuch der hinduistischen Ikonographie],Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company中西书局,2016

2010a: Lars Svendsen. 《无聊的哲学》[A philosophy of boredom],Beijing: Peking University Press北京大学出版社,2010

2010b: Lars Svendsen. 《恐惧的哲学》[A philosophy of fear],Beijing: Peking University Press北京大学出版社,2010